New York Employers Must Now Provide Required Workplace Postings in an Electronic Format
On December 16, 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul signed an amendment to New York Labor Law Section 201 that requires New York employers to provide employees with electronic copies of mandated workplace postings.
Previously, New York employers were required, under Section 201, to physically post in conspicuous locations certain “copies or abstracts” of employee rights. With this amendment, employers must now also: (1) make such information available through their website or by e-mail; and (2) provide through their website or e-mail all other documents that are required to be physically posted at their worksite pursuant to state or federal law or regulation. Additionally, employers must provide notice to employees that such materials are available electronically. Notably, this law does not address circumstances in which an employer does not have a website or employees do not have e-mail addresses.
This law took effect upon its signing on December 16.
Employers should review their physical workplace postings and take steps now to ensure that: (a) such postings are available electronically through the employer’s website or by e-mail; and (b) employees receive notice that such required postings are available electronically.
If you have any questions regarding your company’s compliance with this new law, please do not hesitate to contact any of our attorneys.